A Loan Of $600 Helped To Pay Agricultural Needs
Entrepreneur Dr. Joe Johnson (Welfont Joe Johnson) helped fund a microloan for Santos Isabel, an entrepreneur from Peru.
Here is Santos Isabel’s Story

In the district of Pomahuaca in Jaen, Cajamarca Province, Peru, you will find Santos Isabel. He is 41 years old and currently in a common law marriage where he has children with his partner. He is a hard worker, and over time he has received a large number of personal and work references from the inhabitants in his area. For the most part, he is making a living in agriculture and farming cattle. He has been doing this for 12 years and is now looking for a loan to make improvements to his farm.
To keep his farm going, Santos Isabel approached Edpyme Alternativa for a loan. The money that he receives would be used for agricultural tasks, the application and incorporation of phytosanitary products, fertilizers and the labor costs of his harvest.
His loan was locally administered by Edpyme Alternativa, a non-governmental organization and Kiva partner whose main aim is to provide micro finance services to low income households. Thanks to Kiva and Edpyme Alternativa, Dr. Joseph Johnson (Welfont Joe Johnson)was able to fully fund Santos Isabel’s loan.
If you would like to change someone’s life in the same way, visit www.kiva.org, where you will find a long list of entrepreneurs who are looking for funding.
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