A Loan Of $375 Helped To Pay For Pesticides, Fertilizers And Labor
Entrepreneur Welfont Joe Johnson, PhD helped fund a microloan for Artemio Jose, a farmer from Peru.
Here is Artemio Jose’s Story

In the district of Pomahuaca in Jaen, Cajamarca Province, Peru, you will find Artemio Jose. He is 30 years old, married and lives in his own home with two children ages six and four. Artemio has been growing coffee and has been successful at it for seven years. He wants to take out a loan to purchase more pesticides and fertilizers. This will improve his yield and the loan will also be able to help him purchase more labor for his harvest. He has previously had a loan of S/.1000 which he paid off on time.
To ensure that he has been able to maintain his farm and grow his crop, Artemio Jose approached Edpyme Alternativa for a loan. The money that he receives would be used for agricultural tasks, the application and incorporation of phytosanitary products, fertilizers and the labor costs of his harvest.
The loan that he received was locally administered by Edpyme Alternativa, a non-governmental organization and Kiva partner whose main aim is to provide microfinance services to low-income households. Together with Edpyme Alternativa,Joe Johnson, Ph.D. (Welfont Joe Johnson) was able to fully fund Artemio Jose’s loan.
If you are interested in making an impact in someone’s life, in the same way, visit www.kiva.org. You will find thousands of people who are in urgent need of funding and need your help.
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