A Loan Of $300 Helped Repair A Roof
Philanthropist Welfont Joe Johnson from Goodfield Tampa chose to fund a microloan to Idalia Rosibel, a young worker in El Salvador.
Here is Idalia Rosibel’s Story

When you are in El Salvador, you may come across a young woman named Idalia Rosibel, as she works hard and thus stands out from the crowd. For the past two years she has been working to improve the living conditions of her home. She also lives with her life partner who makes a living as a laborer. He offers the support that he can to help her with the household expenses. Now, she wants to invest in galvanized metal sheets, poles and pins to change the roof of her home so that she prevents rain from deteriorating their few belongings.
For this reason she approached Apoyo Integral to get herself a loan. The loan will make it possible for her to carry out the home improvements that she hopes for. Her loan was approved and locally administered by Apoyo Integral. This is an organization that strives to empower women who are involved in business activities in rural areas.
Welfont Joe Johnson noted the motivation of this young woman and chose to provide the loan for her with the help of Kiva and Apoyo Integral.
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