Make Bargain Sale Your Winning Strategy

Take it from the Welfont Group that when it comes to selling, there’s selling for a profit, then there’s selling for so much more than just profit.
Let’s say a few years back you bought a property you wanted to fix up and sell, but somehow you never got to the fixing part and now it’s sitting idle.What’s worse is it's actually costing you money to maintain it and the last thing it's doing it making you any money.
Sure, you can just grab the phone, hire a real estate agent to market the property for you, hire a property manager to make sure it stays in good condition, but you still have to wait.
In the end, after someone buys it (make that if someone does) you rake in the profits. However, how big will those profits be after you factor in how much you had to pay the real estate agent and the property manager. Then there are the taxes.
Welfont Group founder and CEO Welfont Joe Johnson says there’s selling for profit, and selling for more than just profit. What are we talking about? A BARGAIN SALE.
A BARGAIN SALE happens when you sell a property to a charity. You sell it for a discount, not the full price. What you get in return is the profits, a tax deduction equal to the discount, and you avoid paying the capital gains tax. Think about it. You will actually get the discount back in tax breaks. No spending for that real estate agent or to maintain that property.
Bargain selling is one thing the Welfont Group specializes in. Contact us if you want to know more.
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